Monday, 28 May 2018

Porlezza – Kaysersburg – Han sur Lesse – Gravelines

Total 633 miles

It's now time to head for home although we've got plenty of it so there's no rush. However we decided to go more or less direct and pickup the route we used on the way out. So once again in hot sunshine we headed off, firstly into Lugano where TomTom decided a tour of the town would be a nice change! Grrrrrrr! However we soon got back onto the right road and headed along the A2 to cross Switzerland. The St Gothard Pass was still closed but we were going to use the tunnel anyway, our Swiss toll papers still being valid so nothing more to pay. It was a pretty direct route through picturesque mountains on a generally clear and sunny day with the odd cloud and shower, routing through Lucerne and lots of tunnels then on to Basel where we crossed the border back into France.

Realising that Kaysersburg was only a little farther on than our target of Colmar, we headed there as the Aires guide mentioned a market on Thursday afternoon/teatime which sounded good. Unfortunately market day had been changed to Wednesday, but it was still nice to stroll around with the usual ice-cream dripping all over us!

Friday was a cross Luxembourg day to get a tankful of cheap fuel. The fuel computer kept assuring us that we had enough diesel but the gauge didn't seem to agree, especially when the warning light came on so we crossed fingers and just made it to a service station where we got 78.7 litres into the 80 litre tank! Lunch then carry on, the sky clouding over a little but still very warm and we resorted to the air-conditioning – just to keep Jamie cool you understand. Our destination for tonight was Han sur Lesse in Belgium and we'd decided to stay 2 nights at this lovely aire, meeting up with a couple of Funster vans on their way home from Germany. Not so impressed however when we found the price had increased from €9 to €12 – must have been a change of season. But it does have all we need, including electricity.

And so we spent a pleasant, if very warm, couple of nights then Sunday saw us back on quiet motorways across Belgium and into France, passing through a couple of very heavy localised rain showers which had the effect of significantly freshening the atmosphere and dropping the temperature. We noted a 12 deg decrease from our lunch stop to Gravelines where a very pleasant sea breeze at 23 deg was welcomed.

Having checked out the vet, our plan now is to take Jamie for his Pet Passport check tomorrow, a further night here to comply with UK regulations then up to Calais on Tuesday, ready for our Channel Tunnel booking on Wednesday morning.

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